Minggu, 08 Mei 2022

Difference Between An Affiliate & Super Affiliate

 Difference Between An Affiliate & Super Affiliate

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Super Affiliate! Corny, but "super affiliate" is the new buzzword for affiliates who are both ambitious and successful at affiliate marketing. There are wild claims online about affiliate marketing: Make Millions Overnight! Never Work Again! Unfortunately, these claims are usually false. To go from being a plain affiliate to super affiliate takes a lot of work. In short, you need to be an affiliate of steel. 

The vast majority of affiliate marketing sites online are run by people who have no great interest in turning a huge profit. For example, you'll find thousands of blogs where people put up a few Amazon listings and/or Google links on the off chance that a passing browser will click on them. That's all well and good, but this is no way to make a dent in the affiliate marketing game. To be a super affiliate, you need to treat affiliate marketing as a job, not just something that you do on the side to put a couple of bucks in your pocket. 

There is a misconception that affiliate marketing is not a real business. After all, the affiliate is not putting out a product. This is patently false. Even though an affiliate marketer is not manufacturing a product, he or she is still offering the product up for sale. An affiliate marketer still needs to be in charge of search engine optimization, custom content, quality web design, financial management, and everything else that goes into running a successful e-business. As with any business, an affiliate marketing plan is only as strong as the amount of work you put into it. 

A super affiliate will be able to turn as hefty a profit as a standard business—several sales a day on a number of different fronts. Remember, successful affiliate marketers don't necessarily stop at one site. They set up a variety of affiliate sites with a good web address, quality web design, and lucrative affiliate marketing opportunities. Additionally, once you start selling at an accelerated rate, some affiliate programs will promote you from regular affiliate to super affiliate. If you start sending sales and traffic to a business, they will reward you with better terms. 

This isn't an easy proposition, but it is possible. Make sure that an affiliate program has a corresponding super affiliate program in place—better terms for more sales. Even if they don't, an affiliate with good terms up front can really pay off if you're able to make a several sales a month. Affiliate programs with great terms are also sometimes referred to as super affiliates. Find these and you know you'll have a good marketing in place at the start.

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2022

Dare To Be Different!

 Adding value to your site, service, or product is one of the most over looked and under rated strategies for improving your internet business.

The internet and modern technology makes it possible for anyone to offer that little something extra that nobody else does, and usually at no additional cost.

Why: First, let’s look at why this is a good business practice.

It’s a good thing to do because you will make more money!

What: Now let’s look at what value adding is!

Value adding is giving surprise high quality and useful gifts.

It’s giving something that your competitors aren’t offering.

It’s promising the world and delivering the universe.

It’s taking care of your clients and always providing something that your clients need and want, when and where they want it.

How: Now let’s look at the different ways we can do this.

If you receive a free gift from someone when you don’t expect it, do you remember that person? 

Answer; yes usually.

How can we do this?

Look at the example below for an idea!

If you subscribe to a news letter or ezine, what do you expect?

You expect to get what you subscribed for, right?

Now imagine that you subscribed for a newsletter that distributes information about Poodle breading in France, and when you open the conformation email you find you’ve also received a free ebook containing 20 poodle grooming tips and Grandmas secret poodle pampering techniques. (a book that normally sells for $29)

Wouldn’t that make you more likely to open and read the next issue and the next etc?

That’s one simple example, but where do you get the ebook from? You make it! If you are distributing a poodle breeding newsletter, you might know something about grooming, or know some people that could help you put together the necessary information. Then you can wrap that up in an ebook cover and then send it around to a variety of sites that will post it for you for free and you can sell on your own site, if you have one. (I can see that there are several more articles just on making e-books, posting them on other people’s sites, and setting up a shop front.)

Back to the Poodles! So you can see that by offering this free gift you have achieved several things. 

1. You have developed a product (at no cost to you) that you can sell and make a profit on. 

2. You have used that product to increase the chances of your new subscriber opening your next email. 

3. You have promoted you site/service to other internet marketers that you may wish to do a joint venture with at some time. (see my article on Joint ventures)

Another way to add value for less effort is to offer a 110 percent guarantee instead of a 100 percent.

Another is to make your 20 tips into 30 or more etc, get the idea? It’s all just a matter of finding ways that you can give more.

The more you give the more you will receive.

I sincerely wish you good luck and happiness 

Jumat, 06 Mei 2022

Customers: The Key To Successful Marketing

 How well do you know your customers?

What is the primary reason your customers or clients come to you? Or purchase your product or service? What is the Number One problem you solve for them? Do you know? Are you certain? If you don't, your marketing could be missing the mark, and you could be missing out on sales.

Uncovering Your "Key Selling Point"

This is the Single Marketing Message that is the central message in all of your communications about your business, product or service. It can be difficult for small business owners to determine what their single marketing message should be. Why? Because they are too close to their business. And, because they are viewing their business from their side of the desk.

Keeping your marketing customer-focused can be a challenge

Even if we know we should be looking at our business from our customers' perspective, it's often easier said than done. As a result, it is easy to get caught up in all the amazing features of our product or service and the reasons we THINK our clients are attracted or are buying.

But sometimes our vantage point is clouded by our own perceptions and beliefs. And those perceptions and beliefs may be inaccurate. So how do you pinpoint the real reason customers are attracted to your product or service and the true reasons they are choosing to buy?

There is an easy way to stay on track

Very simply, YOU ASK THEM! Okay, I know it seems obvious, but you'd be surprised how often we don't think of the obvious.

Your prospects and customers (and yes, even your rejecters — those who visit but don't buy) can provide great insights about the benefits they value most in your product or service and why they chose to buy.

Whether you have a lot of customers or only a few

You don't have to have a large customer or prospect base to do some research to see if you are on track. Even if you only have a handful of clients or customers, contact them and ask them what they like most about your product or service.

Talk to your Clients or Customers

(1) What is the one thing that got them to purchase?

(2) Have you delivered on that promise?

(3) What do they like least about your product or service?

(4) How could you improve your product or service?

(5) What else (in your business category) do they have a need for?

(6) How else could you help them be successful, be happier, or solve whatever problem your product or service solves for them?

Talk to your Rejecters

If you choose to survey rejecters (which I have done very successfully for years for one of my clients) find out why they DIDN'T buy.

(1) Ask them what product or service they bought instead of yours? And why?

(2) Ask them what that competing product or service offered that yours did not?

(3) Ask if there is anything you could do to get their business in the future? Product or service changes, additions, deletions?

Talk to your Prospects

Do you have a list of prospects — those who have expressed an interest in your product or service but have not yet purchased? Perhaps they have subscribed to your newsletter or ezine.

(1) Ask them for feedback on your newsletter or ezine content.

(2) What topics are they interested in learning more about?

(3) How can you help them to be more successful, happier, etc?

(4) Find out what they want and who they are

And in all three cases — Clients/Customers, Rejecters, and Prospects — if it seems appropriate, ask for a little information about who they are. Age, gender, profession, where they live, how much they typically spend in your product or service category.

This will help you get a better understanding of your target audience and you'll know if you're attracting the kind of people you thought would be interested in your product or service. And if you need to change your marketing strategy to reach a different audience, or to perhaps change your target audience.

It will help you better serve them

The more you can learn about your prospects and customers the better you can serve them. And the more effectively you can market to them.

You may be in for a surprise

I've had clients tell me they thought they knew why people were buying from them until they asked. And what they heard surprised and shocked them.

Very often what you hear can help you zero-in on a Unique Selling Proposition that you never thought of. And because it came from the mouths of your customers you know it is compelling and effective.

Don't change everything based on a few opinions

My only caution is if you only have a handful of customers or prospects to survey, don't make any major changes or decisions until you are able to validate your findings among a larger group of people.

Or at least test any changes you do make before making a final decision to overhaul your entire business or marketing plan. Common sense is the rule here. Just use your own good judgment and don't over-react to comments made by only a handful of people.

You can ask in a number or ways - Choose what works for you

There are any number of ways to collect research from your prospects and customers. You can telephone them, email them, mail them a written questionnaire, or you can meet with them in a group (called a focus group) to collect their opinions.

You can be as formal or informal as you feel comfortable. Typically the larger number of clients you survey, the more formal the survey. If you have only a handful of people to talk to, simply pick up the phone and call them.

Don't be afraid to ASK

Don't be afraid to ask for opinions on your products or services or how you can serve your clients better. What you find out could be extremely valuable in helping you to build and grow your business.

Don't forget to say "thank you"

You will also want to consider offering an incentive to encourage your prospects and clients to participate or respond. A bonus, such as a special report, or a discount on a future purchase is a nice way to show your appreciation for them taking the time to respond to your survey.

Kamis, 05 Mei 2022

Computer Consultants: The Benefits of Self-Employment

 Working as computer consultants for small businesses can be very financially rewarding and very gratifying. In this article you'll learn about some of the benefits you'll realize as computer consultants. 

You Can Pick Your Work

As computer consultants, you have so much flexibility that you're not likely to get bored. You choose what you want to do. It’s a lot of fun. You get to select exactly which technologies and the platforms and the products that you’re able to sell, service and support. You don’t have to get boxed into working with products that you don’t want to deal with anymore.

You Can Find Plenty of Clients in Your Area

It doesn’t matter where you are located. If there are small businesses, no matter what the industry, you can build a very nice business servicing and supporting their IT needs. But let’s face it, it really isn’t just about the financial rewards. You can make a very good living as a computer consultant for small businesses right in your local area. And if that two-hour commute is really getting on your nerves you can set up your computer consulting business right in your own home. 

You Have Freedom to Choose

With your own business as a computer consultants you can choose your own bosses, your clients, your colleagues, partners, vendors, and contractors.

You Can Pick Your Own Schedule.

You also get much greater control of your working hours and when you’re on call. You can hand-pick the "perfect" clients   that will allow you to work more realistic hours and you won’t feel like you’re going nuts around the clock. 

You Will Increase Your Self-Worth

You’ll be servicing small businesses that usually don’t have an outside IT department and they desperately need your help. You’re the main person - their part-time, virtual IT person.

The Bottom Line about Computer Consultants

As computer consultants, you get the freedom to hand-pick a portfolio of clients and projects that provide a gratifying experience for you and you won’t get bored. You’ll love getting up and going to work every day.

Copyright MMI-MMVI, Computer Consulting 101. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Rabu, 04 Mei 2022

Computer Consultant Startup: What's The First Step?

 If you're the typical person who’s considering becoming a computer consultant, then you are probably a LAN administrator, doing some kind of PC support job for big enterprise or maybe even working for a smaller integrator. In this article, you'll learn what you need to do first to realize your goal of becoming a computer consultant.

From talking to hundreds of people in this situation right now, the number one thing is that you have to decide that you really want to and really need to do it. Don’t put tons and tons of time getting all this IT training and business training and spending all this money until you’ve decided that you really want to do it.

Why Become a Computer Consultant?

There are lots of reasons why people want to become a computer consultant. You may want to be more responsible for your own career destiny, you may want to be able to build something from scratch that you can call your own, or maybe you’re just totally fed up with being stuck in the cubicle, reporting to your boss, and just in general being held back in your career over things that are way beyond your control.

Take Some Action Right Now

As your first step toward becoming a computer consultant, take out a piece of paper right now and write down “The Top Five Reasons Why I Have To, Need To and Want to Become a Computer Consultant.” Then go ahead and list them. This is really your declaration of independence.

Set a Deadline

You are now laying it on the line and saying all the reasons why you want to, why you have to, why you need to make this happen now. Why you need to start taking the right steps to get going in the right direction. Most importantly though, is when you get done narrowing it down to the top five list, preferably putting the most important reasons to you at the top of the list, give yourself a concrete deadline.

Take out the calendar and make a promise to yourself that you’re going to make it happen and write it down right on the bottom of your piece of paper. Print it out or rip it out of your notebook, put it up on the bulletin board next to your desk and look at it every day. The more specific this is, the easier it is going to be for you to make it a reality. 

Copyright MMI-MMVI, Computer Consulting 101 Blog. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Selasa, 03 Mei 2022

Computer Consultant Skills: Can You Be Your Own Boss?

 If you're just getting started, what do you need to know about the business aspects of being their own boss? It really boils down to two very straightforward things. You need to have some basic business skills and knowledge and you need the motivation to become a computer consultant.


You have to really want to become a computer consultant badly. Think about anything you’ve ever really achieved in life. Whether it’s graduating from school or passing a test. Maybe it was getting your driver’s license, getting married, maybe buying your first car or home, maybe becoming a parent.

Whatever it is, it took a lot of motivation and determination. There’s always going to be ups and downs, some tough days and some tough weeks, but in most cases it’s probably going to be well worth it in the end. There are tools and tips you can use, but ultimately the drive and the desire has to come from within. 

Step By Step Plan

The second part is knowing the key steps that you need to do week by week as you get through your first few months. You need to know what to get for your office, what to have in the car with you, what to do when you’re setting up credit policies, what to do to scope out the competition, what to charge, who to network with, who’s worth sucking up to and know who you’re wasting time with. All these things can be taught.

You'll need to figure out your expenses, what you need to bill out at, how to organize everything, what to buy, and probably just as important, what not to buy. You'll need to figure out how to work more efficiently, get paid for your time and get paid well for your time working as a computer consultant. The great part is that these are all very teachable things.

You Can Become a Computer Consultant

If you manage to master various software applications and network operating systems and hardware devices over the years you can definitely get your hands around a handful of important business skills that you need to become a computer consultant.

Copyright MMI-MMVI, Small Biz Tech Talk. All Worldwide Rights Reserved. {Attention Publishers: Live hyperlink in author resource box required for copyright compliance}

Senin, 02 Mei 2022

Components to Build a Concession Business

 Beginning a mobile food concession business is a very challenging but possibly rewarding business. It is not just a simple undertaking to be taken lightly. There are several things that need to be researched and done in order to truly begin a concession business in the right and legal way. There are licensing issues, decisions about food choice and location and equipment you are going to have to make. These are just a few of the many decisions and regulations you must make and be aware of to start a business like this one.

One of the first things you will need to research to run a concession business correctly and legally is to find out the regulations of your city, county, and state governments. These regulations include health standards, location standards, and other standards that you will need to be aware of if you do not want to receive a citation, fine, or even be shut down. All of these things can happen if you do not research the local laws concerning your business. As is appropriate with any type of business, research everything before you make an investment talk to other people in the same field that you want to be in. Try to learn everything you can in order to be fully informed about the decision you are about to make.

Some states have regulations regarding how many feet you must be away from the highway where you set up. Many states have fees you must pay in order to be properly licensed. Most states have health inspections to make sure everything is up to code for service to the public. All of these requirements and more will be things you may encounter. Never assume it is simple.

Another thing you are going to encounter is deciding what type of food you are going to sell. Are you going to sell prepackaged food that you don’t have to cook or are you going to prepare everything by hand on a grill. Whichever of these you choose, it can also make the difference between what type of license you must acquire. Also, are you going to choose something unique or go with a standard that has already proven successful? Whatever you choose, this is something you must think about in depth.

Location is also something you will come upon when opening a concession business. This is one of the most important things to consider because if you are in the improper location, it may be difficult to attract customers. This is the one of the biggest keys to making money.

Equipment is another thing you must decide on. Are you going to purchase a hotdog cart in order to make a smaller investment, or are you going to choose to purchase a concession trailer, which is a considerably larger investment? 

Determining these decisions all go together. Location and equipment are partly decided by what type of food you choose to prepare. Food and location are also decided partly by what equipment you can afford. Each and every decision you make affects another decision after it. Knowing what you are going to encounter is an important reason for researching.

Minggu, 01 Mei 2022

Company Brings Hope to African Entrepreneurs

 News reports often tell of the struggle to lift Africans out of poverty. One entrepreneur is doing her part to bring hope to that continent through a business endeavor that is now bringing its products to the world market.

The desire to help others is what originally led South African Elmare Lombard to leave her successful psychological practice after 15 years to start a natural aromatherapy line. 

From experimenting with essential oils and plant-based oils in her kitchen to eventually seeking international markets for the line, Lombard has made her dream a reality today. Her Molo Africa line is now being distributed in the U.S. by BioPharmetics Inc.

But her company, founded with family members and community leaders, also helps establish farming projects for disadvantaged people in her native South Africa. Molo Africa has a proactive employment policy that helps single parents get jobs with the company or affiliated businesses. This initiative is designed to promote self-sufficiency and brings a sense of pride for individuals.

Molo Africa supports the independent farmers of Africa through advice and assistance; the purchase of raw products at fair market prices; and through education initiatives that help impoverished South Africans develop skills in agriculture, basic education, entrepreneurship and computer training.

The company's product line includes pure essential oils, natural aromatic room sprays, massage butters, shea soaps and scented candles. Molo is an African greeting meaning "hello." Bearing evocative African names such as "Hamba Suka" and "Sefako," the products contain essential oils that were extracted from exotic plants farmed and processed naturally in African countries.

Gertrude Mewy is an example of the kind of success story Lombard's company helped to create. The single mother from Guguletu, Cape Town, was raising her four children on a small salary as a domestic worker. But she dreamed of being an entrepreneur. With the help of the Foundation for Economic and Business Development, she started her own pottery business. 

Her hard work paid off when she became a supplier of ceramic beads to Molo Africa. Its contract with Gertrude enables her to employ two full-time workers, both of whom are single mothers. Her business now supports nine people and there are plans for more business deals between Gertrude and Molo Africa.

Difference Between An Affiliate & Super Affiliate

 Difference Between An Affiliate & Super Affiliate It's a bird, it's a plane, it's Super Affiliate! Corny, but "super a...